PhonicsQ is used in the regular classroom, the resource room, the ELL classroom, the tutorial setting and in the home. Sound Partners Tutoring Program and Direct Instruction have successfully used PhonicsQ, which supports both the whole language and phonics approaches to reading.
This student is organizing the individual cards in the same order as the poster. This helps him learn the cues on the posters and where they are located for quick access when reading. He enjoys the challenge of being timed while doing this.
This student is practicing the names of the picture cues and related sounds to enhance his pronunciation.
The teachers use the PhonicsQ visuals for all instruction. The cards and posters are prominently displayed in the front of the classroom within easy reach. (Photo credit: NY Times)
The Student Cueing Sheets and Playing Cards are perfectly-sized for 1 – 1 instruction and enhance reading, spelling and pronunciation.